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Portmarnock Community Association Constitution
Constitution Enacted Date : 30.11.2015
1 Name : The name of the Association will be Portmarnock Community Association.
2 Objectives of Association
(a )The promotion of the general, social, cultural and economic interests of the residents of Portmarnock and the encouragement of community spirit.
(b) To inform residents on issues affecting Portmarnock.
(c) To provide a framework within which residents of Portmarnock can work together for the purpose of promoting and protecting the general interests of the whole community.
(d)To represent the community in dealing with local representatives, local and central government and other statutory bodies, and other bodies or groups in seeking, preserving, providing and developing social amenities, housing and educational facilities
3 Membership
(a) Membership is open to all residents of Portmarnock over 16 years of age
(b) Under the direction of the committee a register of members entitled to vote at an AGM or Special General Meeting shall be compiled annually
(c) The Association will be non-party political and non-sectarian
(d) Associate membership will be possible and will be at the discretion of the committee
4 Management of the Association
(a)The management of the Association will be vested in a committee elected annually at the AGM
(b) The committee shall not be less than 11 including the officers or more than 16 members
(c) The officers of the Association will consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.
(d) Elected members of local authorities or members of the Oireachtais cannot be officers of the Association but may be members of the committee
5 Officers and Meetings of the Committee
(a)The Chairman’s primary role is to lead the committee and facilitate its meetings. He/She will conduct all meetings in a fair and impartial way.
(b) He/She will act as spokesperson for the Association
(c) He/She will ensure that all necessary information is made available to committee members
(d) He/She will ensure that adequate records of meetings are kept.
(e)He/She will ensure that plans decided on during meetings are implemented.
(b) The Vice-Chairman will replace the chairman if he/she cannot attend a meeting. In the absence of both an agreed chairman shall be appointed to preside.
(c)The Secretary will be responsible for all correspondence, for taking of minutes of all meetings and for keeping members briefed on the activities of the Association. The agenda for meetings shall be circulated to the committee not less than 5 days prior to the meeting
(d) The Secretary will email minutes of meetings to the committee not later than 7 days after a meeting and retain copies of all minutes of meetings of the Association
(e) The Treasurer will receive all monies, which from time to time will be paid to the Association; issue receipts for same and shall be responsible for its safe keeping. He/ She shall submit a financial statement to each meeting of the committee.
(f)The Treasurer shall pay all accounts under the direction of the committee.
(g) The annual accounts of the Association shall be compiled by the Treasurer and audited by an independent qualified accountant and presented to the Annual General Meeting for adoption. The auditor will be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
(H) All cheques paid out by the Association must be signed by two of the following Officers: The Treasurer, Chairman or Secretary. A cheque cannot be signed or so-signed by anybody who is a beneficiary of the said money.
(1) If any vacancy occurs among the officers of the Association during the year, the committee has the authority to fill such a vacancy until the ensuing Annual General Meeting
(j) The committee will meet at least 9 times per year
(k) The quorum necessary for the transaction of business of the committee shall be one third of the committee plus one.
(m) The committee may delegate any of their powers to a sub-committee consisting of such members of the Association as they think fit. The chairman will be an exoffico member of any such committee.
(n) No officer can hold the same office for longer than 3 consecutive years
(o) The committee shall reserve the right to suspend any member whose conduct may in its opinion be detrimental to the welfare of the Association. At the next meeting those present shall have the right to decide by a majority vote whether he/she should remain a member or not
6 Annual General Meeting of the Association
(a) The Annual General Meeting will be held once a year in November or early December.
(b) At Least 21 days’ notice will be given for the Annual General Meeting
(c) The quorum for the AGM will be a minimum of 15 members entitled to attend and vote.
(d) Only paid up members will be entitled to vote at the AGM
(e) Motions at the AGM will be decided by a show of hands. However at the request of a least 5 members present the Chairman may ask for a secret ballot
(f) In the event of equality of votes the Chairman will have a second or casting vote
(g) The annual subscription to the Association will be fixed at the AGM
(h) The officers and committee will be elected at the AGM
(i) The Association may decide at the AGM to become affiliated to any organisation whose objectives will be in harmony with the objectives of our Association
7 Special General Meeting
(a) A Special General Meeting of the Association may be called by the committee when they deem it is necessary to do so or when a request is made to the Secretary for such a meeting signed by at minimum of 15 members of the Association. The time limit to respond for such a meeting will be at the discretion of the committee.
(b) They must specify the business to be discussed at the meeting.
(c) No other business will be discussed at such a meeting.
(d) A minimum of 5 days’ notice must be given for a Special General Meeting.
8 Rule Changes to the Constitution
No changes or alterations can be made to this constitution except at the Annual General Meeting.
9 Dissolving the Association
(a) In the unlikely event of the Committee considering it necessary to dissolve the Association the following procedures must be adopted.
(b) A Special General Meeting will be called of all members.
(c) At least 21 days’ notice will be given for such a meeting.
(d) If a decision is taken at the Special General Meeting to dissolve the Association, the Officers shall have the power to dispose of any asset/monies held by the Association as determined by members present
(e) No other body will shall have the authority to effect such a disposal.
Constitution enacted Date : 30.11.2015
Memorandum and Articles of Association
To view our Memorandum and Articles of Association, follow this link - Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Officers and Committee
The Portmarnock Community Association committee meets on a monthly basis to review current issues affecting Portmarnock. The committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting which is usually held in early December.
- Shay Horan, Chairman
- Margaret McInerney, Secretary
- David Kelly, Treasurer
- Maire O Brien
- Finbarr Quigley
- Mary Melia
- John Fay
- Ann Maguire
- Pat Suttle
- Catherine McMahon
- Martin O Flaherty