AGM will take place in the Portmarnock Hotel and Golf Club

11 March 2025 at 7.30pm

Payment of membership will be accepted at the door. Any residents of Portmarnock welcome.

We incorporate the Tidy Towns and Clean Coasts groups and represent Portmarnock Community within Fingal Council Public Participatory Network.

We are members of FORUM representing communities around Dublin Airport.

Projects for Tidy Towns.

Set up Leaf moulds at locations to be agreed.

Tidy Towns Committee to engage with the local schools, particularly to support their biodiversity and sustainability actions/projects

Installation of water refill stations at Paddy’s Hill, grounds of PSLC and Beach with a view to reducing plastic waste

Encourage residents to install water butts to provide water for their gardens, which is an effective way to reduce water waste.  Survey for homeowners.

Encourage installation of mini libraries at suitable locations

Use social media, Facebook, Instagram, email to highlight resource saving tips and initiatives for sustainability

Segregate waste as much as possible and encourage others to do the same. Produce a document from the waste companies setting out what and how plastics can be segregated

Keep and maintain a register of Tidy Towns equipment

Encourage local shops and businesses to make changes towards improving sustainability by encouraging reduced use of plastic

Discuss with FCC the possibility of installing Vehicle Charging points

 Old projects mostly completed

Tree planting

Around P.S.L.C. playing fields and between Strand Road and Carrickhill Road.

Flower planting

Various sites around Portmarnock where residents have agreed to care for them.

Daffodil and tulip planting at Strand Road/Carrickhill Road.

Daffodil planting on seafront.

Wild flowers

Verges along the coastal walk from Portmarnock to Malahide

Texaco green cowslips

A succession of wild flowers on the green on the corner of Heather Walk and Kelvin Close.

Planting for Bees.

Residents are encouraged to grow  bee-friendly plants in their gardens.

Water conservation

WE encourage people to install water butts to collect roof runoff for use in garden and grass watering. While there is controversy over water charges, we should still be conserving water and using untreated water on garden plants.

Home composting

This is being encouraged to retain nutrients from composted plants within our gardens.

Develop historical walks.

With several historic sites around Portmarnock the T.T. committee plan to develop a walking map and booklet..

PCA  created the video below to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the historic transatlantic flight by Captain Charles Kingsford Smith which departed from Portmarnocks Velvet Strand on 24th June 1930.

 PCA  2023/2024







An Bord Pleanala have just approved the Giant Sewage Plant and outfall just one km from Ireland's Eye .

Given Irish Waters poor Track record it will be just a case of waiting for a sewage discharge in the future and the loss of our Blue Flag for 4 years . Our Environment is been assaulted on land Sea and Air.

This is your last chance to stop this monstrosity .Solution not Pollution is mounting a judicial challenge to this decision on the basis that there are huge breaches of the habitats directives and that there are ECO  alternatives to this plant 

 We really need your support on this and please contribute what you can .




 A 5 Minute Video of Beautiful Portmarnock 

Happy Guys from Portmarnock Arch Club 

Simple and Self explanatory cartoon. ENJOY! Show the clip to your kids 
and educate them as well

Learn the basics of the biodiversity circle and sign the petition


A lovely poem about Portmarnock Beach coming all the way from Australia written by Eimear Henry who misses her velvet Strand !

Photo Credit: Catherine McMahon (& Rossi) Portmarnock uncovered ( Fab photo!)

Portmarnock Beach.

 So rugged wild and wonderful

The sands stretch far away

And the marram leaves sway in the breeze

On a clear, crisp Autumn day


And the grey green  sea waves sing to me

Their quaint familiar hum

‘Neath the pale blue skies and low sun rise

Of my beloved home.


And flocks of seagulls dance their song

Above the tower’s grey

And sunshine glistens quietly

On mysterious Lambay


And though the birds move with the clouds

And soft winds ruffle hills

That  silvery sea in front of me

It stands forever still


Eimear Henry


Airport Runway

We are very grateful to our Councillor Brian McDonagh for raising the matter of the proposed appointment of Fingal County Council as the competent authority to monitor aircraft noise at Dublin Airport. The matter was raised at the Howth Malahide Area Committee meeting. The Minister will shortly receive a letter from the group expressing their dismay at the action of the Minister. As you know Fingal County Council who are excellent in most of the services they provide are the most unsuitable organisation to undertake the monitoring.

Bird Boxes and Benches

The Men’s Shed have produced excellent bird boxes which we are in the process of distributing throughout the village to encourage more wild bird nesting in our area. The majority of the boxes have been given to the schools with the remainder being given to local householders. (See picture). It is important to remember that if you have been feeding our wild birds through the winter you should continue to do so in the summer and autumn to maintain numbers We have also funded some benches which will be installed in the centre of the village in the next few weeks. This work has been made possible by the grant and prize we received from the Tidy Towns Organisation.


Railway Station

A group from the PCA met with the representatives from  Iarnrod Eireann to enquire about improvements that are
needed to the station and surrounds. We had a good meeting and are hopeful of a positive response. Among
the matters raised were ; Graffiti under the bridge and on walls at the Dublin end of the platform, planting of bulbs
of the embankment behind the inward platform, provision of planters between the shelters for summer and autumn flowers. The surveyor also mentioned that he would address improvements to the handrails and boundary fence on the outward platform. We also looked at a general tidy up in the area at the ticket office.
If you see any urgent issue that should be brought to the attention of Irish Rail contact the station master at
Malahide Railway Station 01 – 8286960. He is responsible for Portmarnock station

Wildflower Meadows

The Parks Department will be commencing a programme to establish wildflower meadows in this area over the spring and summer. A small number of football pitches at the PSLC end will be retained and the remainder left over to nature. Walkers will be accommodated through the provision of cut pathways. The PCA are hopeful that we can establish natural woodland in parts of this area in the future.

Paddys Hill Park has been allowed to develop as a wildflower haven. There are a succession of flowers there during the year.

An area of the green on Heather Walk has been developed as a wildflower haven with cowslips and orchids especially plentiful.

Cowslips are also very prominent on the Texaco Green.

Velvet Strand

The beach is in excellent condition.
 There was a lot of sand movement and exposure of rock. While this erosion mayseem to be damaging it has no real long term consequences. The sand is removed at one point on the coast but it is deposited elsewhere. You will have also noted that there was a lot of deposition of seaweed and dead fish after the storms. This material will rot and provide organic matter and nutrients for sea scutch and Marram grass to establish and form new dunes. Unfortunately along with the natural materials deposited you will also see lots of plastic, products
used to clean teeth and to apply cosmetics. We have got to find other ways to make ourselves beautiful!.
Beach Cleaning commenced on Saturday the 22nd of May. 10.00am
Meet at the Kiosk. All are welcome

It has been great to see so many swimmers on the beach over the last year.


People have varying opinions about Ivy. Many think it is damaging to walls and it will allow dampness into buildings. They believe it is unsightly and an indication that a person is not “taking care” of their property.
If you look at old stone walls there is no doubt that it gets into old lime mortar and will eventually cause the walls
to fall as the stems of the ivy expand. On old mature trees it increases the load the trunk of the tree has to bear and makes them more susceptible to blowing over in the wind.
Many of the trees on the backroads around Portmarnock appear vulnerable to me on superficial observation while I drive by.
There are however, great benefits to having Ivy. It is a native plant and plays host to large numbers of insects and other bugs. It is therefore a great source of juicy meals for many of our small birds. The Holly Blue, a charming small blue winged butterfly feeds on the nectar of both holly and ivy flowers. I see them in my garden every year. It is very unlikely that ivy will damage modern walls as it finds it very difficult to penetrate cement plaster.
I cut it back every 3 years so that it does not become too heavy a load for the wall to bear. In conclusion it is not good on old stone walls but is hugely beneficial in our gardens and much prettier to look when compared to concrete blocks

Contacting the PCA:

If you wish to contact the PCA on
any issues in our community or volunteer for any of our
committees why not email You can visit our Facebook at

 NEW : PCA Blog - News and Events in  Portmarnock

Follow our blog by clicking  Here to go to the Tumblr site ) or click on the PCA Blog link above

If You have a news item, picture , an upcoming event  or a story that you think is  relevant to Local residents you can submit a post via the blog ( Posts are subject to Moderator approval before been published)


The P.C.A. has several current projects the most urgent being the preparation for the Tidy Towns inspection later in the year. We would ask all residents and visitors to help by making sure your surroundings make you proud.

Anyone who is interested in helping out can contact the committee at and also check out the Tidy Towns booklet 

We have 10am Saturday cleanups every 2 weeks starting on the 8th of April meeting at the kiosk on the seafront.

Several people already do daily cleanups, thank you folks.

JOIN FORUM ( Fingal Organised Residents United Movement)

Forum represents Local Communities and Residents living in the vicinity of the airport and seeks to ensure that the DAA are not allowed overturn the existing planning conditions 3 & 5 which deal with runway usage and 65  limited night time flights   when the new runway is built . 

Shane Ross has announced that a new EU Regulation 598/14  which deals with a balanced approach to airport noise will be adopted into Irish Law and the competent Authority appointed ( The Irish Aviation Authority) will not be bound by the existing preconditions .Thus local communities have effectively lost the protection of night time noise limitations  granted by an Bord Pleanala.

Forum wants its members to stand united and oppose this . We want to be part of the discussions rather than left on the side lines and told what has been decided ! 

We want people to sign up to FORUM so that we will be a large movemnet and our voices taken Seriously

Please Sign up HERE or on the form below

Click "Portmarnock Tidy Towns" tab for the latest Tidy Towns News Contact : Pat Suttle Mobile: 087-2486287 Or Contact David Kelly Mobile: 087-2900199

Download our New PCA  Mobile and Personal Computer app from theLink below

Article on Recent beach closure and Irish Waters response- Page 4 


 Portmarnock Tidy Towns 2016 Entry :

Click on red icons to see areas already adopted ! . Register your details and area you are adopting by sending an email  to We will then put you on the map!

Report by Swords Gazette on Lidl Planning permission- See Page 2

Lidl Update:   Permission  Granted

The Inspector recommended  Refusal of planning but the Board overturned his decision by 2:1

Permission is granted with following conditions:

Trading Hours: Monday to Saturday 8 am to 9pm; Sunday 10:30 to 7pm

Deliveries : Truck no longer than 10 metres

Material & Finishes : To be agreed with ABP

Boundary Wall: 1.1 metre wall on st Bridgets avenue

Lighting:  Low level and to be reviewed

Car Park: Public at all times

Totem Pole : Gone

Shutters have to be internal

Trees : New tress to be planted on St Lawrence O’Tool Avenue

Public Art: Piece to be provided

I would like more information about the new runway and noise levels in Portmarnock
Don't Care
Quiz Maker
If you would like to be kept updated about the runway and other local issues  by E-mail please  send your details via our " Contact Us" page

Portmarnock Community Association

Portmarnock Community Association aims to preserve the environment of Portmarnock for the enjoyment and health of the community and to welcome visitors who respect and enjoy our wonderful area.

The Portmarnock Community Association committee meets on a monthly basis to review current issues affecting Portmarnock. The committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting which is usually held in early December. Minutes of the monthly meetings can be found on the Latest News page.


If you have a smart phone download a  free decibel meter and record the noise of aircraft flying over your house . Send the results  to  like the following . 02/05/2016 2pm  Dart station 69 decibels ( outside) or (inside) and we will map the results on this map

This way we will build a picture of the current noise levels in the Portmarnock area before the new runway is built.

Portmarnock Aircraft Noise Levels  

Portmarnock Community Association (PCA) represents the local community  and focuses on any  issues which may  effect  the people of Portmarnock and their enjoyment and quality of life living in Portmarnock.   The PCA committee meet once a month to discuss local issues such as commercial planning,  Environmental matters such as Beach cleaning,  Greater Dublin Drainage , new runway proposal  etc  and Tidy Towns among other things .. all things local .

With the DAA proposing to go ahead with the new runway   this will now impact on the people of North Portmarnock  as well as those already under the existing flight path in South Portmarnock . This will lead to an 2 fold  increase in noise levels in the Portmarnock area

The DAA publish  Noise contour maps and more information about these can be obtained on their website here

The World Health Organisation has published   night  noise guidelines   for Europe which lays out the effect noise can have on your health especially at night and is recommending 40 decibels as  a recommended maximum that doesn’t impinge on your health

With this in mind PCA came up with an idea  to try and map  current  aircraft  noise levels in the Portmarnock area . The idea is for people with smart phones would download a free decibel/ sound meter onto their phone  and take a reading anytime they experience a noisy aircraft flying over head.

They would then send a record of that decibel reading  together with the date, time ,location  and whether the reading was taken inside or outside to PCA at  and we would then add an icon with that detail  onto a map on our website

The data would be available for all to see on our website and  if enough people send readings in we will get a better understanding of how people are affected  particularly those living under the flight path. People can zoom in on the map, click any icon and see the noise levels recorded for a particular location.

While this does not purport to be an exact scientific study it is a simple way to build up a picture of current aircraft noise levels in the Portmarnock area

Portmarnock Tidy Towns 2016

Adopt a Patch Scheme

Adopt a patch is a Tidy Towns initative to encourage people to take care of a little part of portmarnock.  Whether you look after a little  flower bed in your estate or keeping a green area near you free of litter it all helps to keep Portmarnock Beautiful and helps out entry in the Tidy Towns Competition.

Please download a leaflet and register

Thank you

Click below for the forms

About the Scheme

Registration form

Drone Video of the Velvet strand

Lovely Video from Malahide through Portmarnock to Howth


14th April

New Runway flight path.... we are waiting on an official map from DAA but in the meantime here is what we are getting by drawing a straight line on a google map from the proposed runway location directly over Portmarnock  . Click here for larger picture